Tribal Groups and Corresponding California Counties
Tribal Language Groups of Northern and Central California
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Algonquian (Algic)
Athapaskan (Na-Dene)
- Tolowa
- Hupa, Chilula, Whilkut (groups speaking the same variety)
- Mattole
- Wailaki, Nongatl, Lassik, Sinkyone, Kato (groups speaking the same variety)
- Chimariko
- Karuk
- Palaihnihan
- Pomoan
- Northeastern Pomo
- Eastern Pomo
- Southeastern Pomo
- Northern Pomo
- Central Pomo
- Southern Pomo
- Kashaya Pomo
- Shastan
- Washo
- Yanan
- Northern Yana
- Southern Yana
- Yahi
- Klamath-Modoc
- Maiduan
- Utian
- Miwokan
- Bay Miwok (Saclan)
- Coast Miwok
- Lake Miwok
- Plains Miwok
- Sierra Miwok
- Wintuan
- Wintu (Northern Wintun)
- Nomlaki (Central Wintun)
- Patwin (Southern Wintun)
- Yokutsan
- Northern Valley Yokuts
- Southern Valley Yokuts
- Foothill Yokuts
- Central Numic
- Western Numic
- Western Mono
- Eastern Mono
- Mono Lake Northern Paiute
- Owens Valley Paiute
- Northern Paiute
- Yuki
- Yuki, Coast Yuki, Huchnom (groups speaking the same variety)
- Wappo