Chicana Studies Index: Twenty Years of Gender Research, 1971-1991

Lillian Castillo-Speed

The definitive source for detailed information on Mexican-American women. Comprehensive in its scope, this guide covers not only the traditional areas of topical research such as immigration, fertility, and sex roles, but it also documents the ground-breaking studies on Chicana/Latina sexuality, mental health, and aging. The latest research on health issues such as AIDS and medical care are also covered. Complete bibliographic citations for journal articles, books, dissertations, and working papers are listed under appropriate subject headings taken from the Chicano Thesaurus. Author and title indexes also provide useful access.

Price: $90.00 +$4.00 S/H
ISBN: 0-918520-21-5
Publication Year: 1992
Cover: Hard, Glossy Purple/Gray
Size: 427 pages, 8.5x11 inches
Series #: 18